I am not against strikes or work stoppages. This is just a reflection on what is likely to happen to the collective social and psychological structure of the audiences of the writers and actors on strike.
All vacuums tend to be filled with something. What may be happening with the time and occasions previously filled with the programming that is now not available?
Very likely audiences are turning to other content that is readily accessible. That creates new patterns of behavior and enjoyment that can displace what was previously a routine of content consumption.
The more time goes by with the strike, the more alternative patterns of behavior are changed. So, what can be expected? For one thing some audiences may be more physically active instead of watching shows. Also, some former audiences may be finding having more time for social activities be them in person or via social media.
The vast amount of international content available is also an alternative that can fill a lot of the vacuum left behind by the strike. Educational programs and other online entertainment is abundant and very accessible.
Tastes will change and behaviors will be modified.