- Unprecedented year
- Unusual year
- Extraordinary year
- The CDC recommends
- CDC guidelines
- WHO says
- Fauci says
- Heroes work here
- Mandate
- Restrictions
- Executive order
- Lockdown
- Quarantine (40 days is supposed to be the original meaning)
- Social distance (they should say physical distance but do not know the difference)
- Back to normal
- Return to normal
- Gradual return
- Mask requirement
- Double masking
- Disinfecting
- State mandated
- Pandemic
- Be safe
- Stay safe
- Havoc
- Vaccine
- Fully vaccinated
- Pfizer
- Astrazeneca
- Moderna
- Anti Vaxxers
- Unvaccinated pandemic
- Individual decision
- Social responsibility
- Masks are required for the unvaccinated
- And now for the vaccinated
- Delta variant
- Breakthrough
- Omicron
- Endemic
- Flatten a curve that doesn't matter
- Forever in fear
- Hospitals are bracing
- Boosters
- Fully vaccinated
- Who died of what?
- Who is counting
- The science that guesses
- Finally a "peak"
- The masks are the salvation
- Everyone will get it
- The illusion of herd immunity
- Break through infections
- CDC shortens isolation time
- Testing is the answer
- Is there an answer?
- No one dies of anything else
- Everyone will eventually get it
- The end is near
- Etc.
And yes, there are many more terms that can be added. These aggregate of expressions are repeated so much that they have lost their importance or meaningfulness. There is a sense of unreality to these times. Some people want to ignore the media and the experts. Others seems to enjoy their masks and imagined protection. The notion that everyone will eventually get the virus is probably the conclusion that if arrived to earlier would have saved so much stress, distorted economy, etc. Vaccines seem to be good, as usual but some debate it as if it were debatable. Finally, as always, meanings are in people's heads.